Shop art created by Juan Sebastián Valencia. From scripts, books, movies and merchandise.
Cafe Perseguido (Short Film) / Chasing Coffee
Pre order the short film "Cafe Perseguido / Chasing Coffee" and get a behind the scenes preview and self tape auditions.
Algo Así (Short Film) / Something like this.
Pre order the short film "Algo Asi / Something like this" and get a behind the scenes preview and self tape auditions.
Kisses to Kevin (Short Film)
Buy or Rent "Kisses to Kevin". Download the script and get the merchandise of the movie.

Imperfect People (Mini Web series)
Buy or Rent the complete first season of "Imperfect People" including a Behind the scenes video.

Magico (Short Film)
Buy or rent "Magico" and get a sneak pick of the audition process.

Poker (feature Film)
Juan Sebastián first movie to be release in theaters; "Poker". Shot in 2007 and released in 2011. Get the DVD.

Praga (Short Film)
Buy or rent the short film "Praga" and get a behind the scenes video.

El Eco de un susurro 1/2 Silencioso (Book)
Compra el libro "El eco de un susurro 1/2 silencioso" en formato fisico y digital.

Circus Show El Circo del Emperador (Book)
Compra el libro "Circus Show" en formato fisico y digital.

Utopia y El revés de lo derecho (Books)
Compra los libros "Praga" y "El revés de lo derecho" en formato físico y digital.

Cinema Notebooks for Cinema Artists (Notebook collection)
New collection of Cinema Notebooks available worldwide.
Cinema Artists Home and Apparel Merch Collection
New merchandise collection.